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Iron foot cleaning stick
TEXI 4020 TEXI 4020 |Universal stick for cleaning iron"s foot. DECAPFER removes fur, adhesive smears, burned polyester microfibers and patina. When used regularly facilitates ironing.
In Stock:
18,73 zł
18,73 zł
Iron foot cleaning stick
DECAPFER - INDUSTRIAL DECAPFER - INDUSTRIAL |Iron foot cleaning stick for domestic, dry and steam irons. DECAPFER, applied on an iron's foot, removes fur, adhesive smears, burned polyester microfibers and patina. DECAPFER is economical when used regularly and facilitates ironing. BYpZji-gUpw Adjust iron temperature to 150°C, turn the iron with its ironing foot up and evenly lubricate DECAPFER over it. Under temperature the agent dissolves (if it starts vaporizing it means that the temperature is too high). You should wait around 2-3 minute
In Stock:
16,54 zł
16,54 zł